I challenge you to be my pacer (or race me) on my 100-mile walking race in year 2052, when I’ll be 100.

Initially this race is set to start on May 3, 2052, in: Place:____, St___, USA
The start day and place are subjects to being adjusted and set when we get closer.
The race to be held on rather quite hilly path; with rocks, tree roots and with potential creek crossings. It can be dry and sunny, or rain and muddy on those days. Race goes straight through day(s) and night(s) until finish.
Typically, there are limits on how many pacers can join one racer at the time. Therefore, as an alternative you may choose to either be my competitor racer, or to be my spectator/fan.
Regardless, I challenge you to be there in 2052. Here is the current Race Participants List.
Please signup here to join me in 2052: