Name:Teresa Swistun

Recently Casey (my husband) announced to me, that he is going to participate in 100-mile running/walking race in 2052, when he is 100.

This shocked me and froze my brain for a moment. After a while I silently accepted what I heard, then I tried to think this through:

I do not remember when he started, but he ultraruns for long years: 100, 150, or 200 miles at the time. He has participated in marathons, Ironmans is USA and Canada. He does relatively long runs on our trail every weekend, no matter whether is hot, cold or freezing. The harder the better for him.

He also has good gens. His father is 98 and mother 92 now 🙂

After analyzing all these, I decided to join my dear husband and signup for 1 mile of his 100-mile race.

This will also help me in keeping my body and my mind ready for the 2052 challenge 🙂