Commercial-style solutionsChoose your preferred solutionLow-Slope (Flat) RoofingShingle, Cedar, Composite, Slate and Tile Roofs

Commercial-style solutions

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We offer commercial-style solutions for residential homes as well.

Residential low-slop (flat) roofs are often ignored.

Some say: “it is a simple flat roof”. Yes, some flat roofs may perform just fine with a simple flat roof covering, but not all.

Others demand comprehensive commercial-style solutions in order to perform.

Does your low-slop (flat) roof performs as it should?

Contact us if you need a help with it.

Choose your preferred solution

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When you request an estimate from us you typically receive:

A thorough hands-on inspection, with a comprehensive evaluation of existing issues.

An initial verbal report of findings and potential solutions.

Then a written proposal, with a detailed description of the recommended solution including optional solutions with their pros/cons for your consideration.

Such proposals often include pictures and/or drawings to ease understanding of what actually is offered.

Low-Slope (Flat) Roofing

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    Many things may go wrong with low-slope (flat) roof system and there is no “bullet proof solution”.
    There are many roof system components not necessary comparable with each other.
    There are many different ways of proceedings to accomplish the end result, as long as you are well aware of what the end results should be. Somebody's way of “covering” one issue may cause other to fail.
    Deep understanding and being aware of what may go wrong is a key to design low-slope (flat) roof assembly.
    Making sure that the project is done as it was designed is the other key to success.

Low-Slope (Flat) Roofing Failures